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Today's actions are tomorrow's results. But to get ahead, you can't do what everyone else is doing. Let's start Making A Difference today!

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

  • How the Hell Was That Possible!
    April 14, 2021 at 4:00 AM

    Two men in an ax cutting contest are furiously chopping at wood over six feet high. Both are extremely competitive and furiously want nothing more than to beat the other. As both of them are chopping, chopping, chopping, one of them stops for a while. The other never looks up, starts thinking how the cardio he added to his training routine is paying off! He is more confident now, feels stronger, proud. The man that stopped starts again. Both are ferociously going at it again. This happens three more times. As the contest comes to an end the man that never stopped stands up proud basking in the fact he must have won because he never stopped. But the man that stopped several times, WON!

    The man that never stopped asked the other how the hell was that possible. The other man said, when you thought I was stopping, I was sharpening my ax.

    My facebook friends, during this pandemic, a lot of us had to stop trying to Make A Difference. While everyone else is still going, what are you doing?

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

  • Get Rid of the Weeds!
    September 15, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    Notice how weeds need no encouragement to grow. They don’t need sunlight, water, fertilizer, they will grow between the cracks of a blistering roadway! But plants like roses, orchids, other exotic plants need a SPECIAL PROCESS in order to grow.

    Our minds are exactly the same way. It takes no encouragement to think negative, assume the worst case scenario, or give up. It’s automatic pilot for our minds to be negative. But to be positive, happy, or commited, requires a SPECIAL PROCESS like creating a plan, cultivating relationships with like-minded people, exercise, and diet.

    There is an exotic plant inside of you. We just gotta rid ourselves of habits, routines, and that automatic pilot our minds are used to.

    We can start Making A Difference right now.

Americans are saving more than just money by not commuting

  • July 12, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    New York (CNN Business)The pandemic lockdown has killed the work commute. And as the number of miles people travel every day has collapsed, commuters have saved themselves billions of dollars.In June, Americans traveled nearly 37 billion -- yes, billion ...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

  • Your Time is Now!
    August 14, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    The shocking reality about success is MOST people will quit after 1 or 2 times trying. Most people assume because it didnt work or is not working, maybe its not meant to be. Once you understand that most people are quiters, then you will understand why successful people always say you can Make A Difference too. Truly successful people were not smarter, did not have more more money to get started, they did not know more people or had any of the things people that struggle think you need toward Making A Difference in our lives.

    Truly successful people discovered, all they had to do was wait for everyone else to quit.

    You might think it doesnt work. The time is not right. Its too late. None of those things are true. Even a broken clock is right two times a day! Just keep hanging in there. Its your time. All you gotta do, is start Making A Diffrence right now, and refuse to quit.

How the Coronavirus is Shaking Retirement Confidence Across Generations

  • How the Coronavirus Pandemic is Shaking Retirement Confidence Across Generations
    July 12, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    Survey finds that 23% of workers who are employed or recently unemployed are no longer certain they can retire comfortably following the coronavirus pandemic.That confidence varies among generations, with baby boomers likely to feel the most insecure.Mean...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

  • You Got Power
    July 23, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    A man needed to urgently move out from the garage and realized it would not open. Trying to not panic, he tried to open it manually but was too heavy. He needed the power to work. At this point frustrated, he called the garage support line. He explained to the technician I NEED HELP. I gotta get moving but the garage has no power.

    The technician replied, before I come out to help you, do something first. Stand at the front of the garage. There are two sensors on the bottom at each end. Describe them to me. The man said one is pointing at the other, one is pointing up. The technician said, sir your problem is not power. Both sensors should face each other. You just need to make one minor adjustment to engage it.

    2 Timothy 1:7 says “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER!!!” You have way more power than you think. You probably just need to make one little minor adjustment toward "Making a Difference".

Experts say these are the 5 best ways to recession-proof your emergency fundRetirement Confidence Across Generations

  • Teach kids about money early
    June 1, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    It’s no secret that children benefit from learning how to manage money. Here are some ways to share some valuable money lessons at home for different age groups:Ages 2-3:Teach your youngsters the names of different coins by sorting and counting them, and ...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

  • Get Your Ass UP!
    July 9, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    Oscar Wilde once said, "most people exists, only a few are actually living." Sadly, he is correct. Most people are dwelling on the past or emulating someone else. It's no wonder we can't get things done. There is not enough time. But we can change that. Let me tell you how!

    In the morning, get out of bed two hours earlier than you normally do.

    That's an extra 730 hours a year. Another 4 weeks a year. An added month a year. Time you couldn't use before right now because, you were SLEEPING!!!

    Now is when you can start making more excuses or start making a difference. I know you're tired, but this is your conscience speaking. Tomorrow morning, before the sun rises, don't ignore me when I say to you......

Expert-approved ways to recession -proof your emergency fund:

  • Expert-approved ways to recession-proof your emergency fund:
    May 22, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    In the event that we enter a recession because of the coronavirus crisis, it's important to have enough savings on hand to cover any lost income.An emergency fund is a critical tool for protecting yourself, but relying on it to replace your income mea...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

    June 9, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    When you look at yourself for who you are, you will always be that person or worse. If you look at yourself for what you could be, you will always grow into what you SHOULD be.

    But there are two haters making you look at yourself for who you are. One is a person you can't escape. It's the person punking you inside your head. His name is, "I Can't". The other hater is even worse. Just his mere presence is powerful enough to punk you into quitting. His name is, "I'm Comfortable".

    Fighting these haters all day, everyday, is exhausting. But don't punk out on me now! I'm more than just a voice in your head. I'm a warrior. Let's fight them together.

8 Financial Tips for Young Adults

  • 8 Financial Tips for Young Adults

    May 22, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    Unfortunately, personal finance is not a required subject in most high schools or colleges. This lack of basic financial education leaves many young adults clueless about how to manage their money, applying for credit, and how to get or stay out of debt.T...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

    April 22, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    Life was never intended to be tough work. Fighting traffic every day, sitting in a cube all week, pinching pennies all month. Hoping for a miracle to come fix everything in an instant, is not working!

    I know we're no bible scholars but Ecclesiastes 10:10 says, If the ax is dull, much strength is needed. But with skill, success comes quickly. Soooooo even the bible explains how to achieve success quicker. Being successful is no mystery. But we don’t do it because the results don't come fast enough. It takes time to sharpen your ax!

    Since there is no “life” button on the microwave, we gotta get our goals cooking another way. Let's click that Personal Financial Services link on the top of this website and do the financial needs analysis like the experts do. With a much more sharper ax, we can get cookin toward our dreams and goals much quicker.



    May 14, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    If you’re one of the three in 10 Americans who say they aren’t budgeting, now is the perfect time to start keeping track of your expenses and figure out where you’re spending your money and how much. * Here are three easy steps to start managing your mone...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

  • Get The F*ck Outta Here!
    May 22, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    Absolutely everybody that did anything great overcame tremendous obstacles in order to do it.

    Les Brown was an orphan with a learning disability before becoming a legislator and one of the greatest speakers of our time, Bill Gates slept in his parents garage before inventing the Personal Computer, Josiah Hinson was a slave and watched his mom raped and dad killed before becoming one of the most wealthy black men in American History. And yet you got problems. GTFOH!!!

    Maybe you think you're too shy, too ugly, too broke, too dumb. Don't get me wrong, those are all valid reasons. Will we use them to continue wasting time watching reality tv or reasons to create a new reality for the family. This is your conscience talking, we can make a difference.

    The corona virus pandemic is just another valid reason for doing nothing at all. Let's rip off the face mask for just one second, and yell to this so called Covid-19, GTFOH!

Here’s How You’ll Know It’s A Good Time To Invest

  • Here’s How You’ll Know It’s A Good Time To Invest

    March 23, 2020 at 12:48 AM
    The COVID-19 outbreak has affected us all in some way at this point. If you’re lucky enough to be bored but employed, you might be wondering whether it’s an opportune time to put money in the stock market or wise to keep up with your regularly scheduled co...

Your Conscience Talking

Author: You

    May 22, 2020 at 4:00 AM

    There are dogs that can detect when a person is about to have a seizure. They train these dogs to make their owners sit down "before" the seizure comes so the owner doesn't hurt themselves!!

    Almost all dogs can distinguish the frequency of the motor in your car from all the other hundreds of cars on the road and knows when you are on the way home miles before you get there!!

    Certain dogs that have never seen you before, can find you, miles away from any spot, just from a sniff of a garment you wore years ago.

    Why am I telling you this!!! There is not one book in the bible where God talks about his love for dogs. But if he gave a "DOG" this kind of amazing ability, think about what amazing ability he gave you!!!

    You can do more, you can be more, you can accomplish more. Not just with the family, but with EVERYTHING! I know this to be true as your conscience talking. But if you still don't believe me, look at what a dog can do.